Monday, April 12, 2010

my heart is all fluttery.

hmmm about that?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

a late easter post...

i saw this easter egg (my favourite kind) 
cracked and broken.
in the girls bathroom vanity of all places
it broke my heart.

fav music Thursdays...

Picture Frames by Georgia fair.
seriously addictive!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

a real amish hippy?

i met an Amish Hippy on the weekend.
not a real one.
but still.
he was

Thursday, April 1, 2010

have fun kiddies

fav music Thursdays...

love loveee loveeeee the movie. the song. the band.

Talk Show Host by Radiohead.


i totally have a hat addiction.
it's getting outta control.
way outta control.

Monday, March 29, 2010

pitter patter on my window

the rain is falling.
thunder in the distance.

a clean slate.
a fresh start.

mondayitis again.

{image from we heart it}

peas and happiness x

Thursday, March 25, 2010

fav music Thursdays...

(If Your Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To by Weezer

(of course i want you to...)

peas and happiness x

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Alice In Wonderland
was pretty raaaadd

but every time i heard Caterpillar, all I thought was...
Professor Snape.

{image from google images}

peas and happiness x


sometimes it's just good to


{image from we heart it}

peas and happiness x

Thursday, March 18, 2010

fav music Thursdays...

i first heard this song at the end of an episode of Entourage.
i was hooked.

Something Is Not Right With Me by Cold War Kids

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

why? no reason...

this just made me laugh out loud.
(not lol)

{image from we heart it}

Monday, March 15, 2010


i have Mondayitis

i don't like Mondays...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

secretly i wish...

secretly I wish I could say "I met a guy last night"

peas and happiness x

{image from we heart it}

nothing new...

following on from my last post...
last night was definitely not the night.

it wasn't a total bust.
my friends do rock.
they just would've rocked more if they'd actually made it out haha

i went back to my hermit-esque tendencies and took some photos
i found the best 2nd hand bookstore. i'm in loooove

peas and happiness x

Saturday, March 13, 2010

hermit-like tendencies...

i've been rather hermit-esque of late.


if you don't include the night at the pub with the work gals
where I got tapped on the shoulder by Security.
the night with many 'blanks'
where I woke up at 1pm the next day
luckily sleeping through (and) avoiding a hangover of any description.

but honestly i have been a hermit.
taking photos
spending long hours attached to my Mac, either photoshopping photos I've taken, or checking out peoples blogs.
sending random people postcards. 
and reading my way through my increasingly growing, second hand (pre loved) book collection.
(my favourite one so far this year being "The Book Thief".... seriously read it. wow)

so I've decided...
i need a night out. i'm not sure if tonight's the night. we'll see.
i feel like drinking and dancing and getting home as the sun is coming up.
oh and meeting a nice boy (a nice good looking boy)....  hey just putting it out there...

on another note.
its my friend Shan's birthday today
we had a long breaky to celebrate, with cupcakes for dessert. yummm
Happy 24th Shanny

peas and happiness x


Postcrossing is... "the goal of this project is to allow people to recieve postcards from all over the world for free. well, almost free. The main idea is that; if you send a postcard, you will receive at least one back from a random Postcrosser from somewhere in the world."

i just dropped my first postcard off in the mail today.
all the way to the USA

i made my own postcard from one of my photo's. hope they like it.

hope I get one in the mail soon.

peas and happiness x

confessions (#2)...

i believe there's something else out there...

peas and happiness x

{image from we heart it}

Friday, March 12, 2010

a flashing light bulb...

yesterday it was like a light bulb went off above my head
i have to go to Canada and travel.
i HAVE to.
it's almost like I don't have a choice

my body aches to go there.
i'm going.

but when?
and how?

i'll figure out the details later.

but I AM going.

peas and happiness x

{image from we heart it}

Thursday, March 11, 2010

well not anymore...

well not anymore...

peas and happiness x

{image from we heart it}

fav music Thursdays...

Home by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zero
this song makes me soooo happy!

peas and happiness x

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



i crashed my car...

into a pole.

a yellow pole.
a BRIGHT yellow pole.


double fuckkkk.

if you think my car's bad.
you should see the pole.

peas and happiness x

Monday, March 8, 2010

confessions (#1)...

 my name isn't really Kate.
it's Katherine. shhh.
but if you ever called me that, I'd probably think you were talking to someone else
ignore the crap outta you.

peas and happiness x

{image from we heart it}

Sunday, March 7, 2010


i've been thinking about tattoos...
i love these ones.


am I too chicken shit to get one?

i hope not. i want one bad. real bad.

peas and happiness x

[images from we heart it]


this weekend I got trigger happy with my camera.

peas and happiness x

Friday, March 5, 2010


i've lived in this street for 3 months now and I still forget how to spell it.

peas and happiness x

secretly i wish...

secretly I wish I could fly...

peas and happiness x

{image from we heart it}

Thursday, March 4, 2010

fav music Thursdays...

The Temper Trap are an Australian band who last year released their 1st album. it rocks. they're currently doing a massive international tour.
listen to this song. it's beautiful. and addictive (in a good way)
it was also featured in (500) Days Of Summer.

Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap

peas and happiness x

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oscar Wilde once said...

i'm currently feeling the need to question everything at the moment.
i don't know whether it's because I'm reaching a crossroads in my life or what?
i'm almost 25. it's not like thats old. but there comes a time when you do have to grow up. 
make the responsible choice.
be less care free.
become grounded.

i don't know if I'm ready for that.
at all.

if I could take off today i would.
but i can't. - you need savings for that
(if only i were more responsible!!!)

is it wrong to want to live a little. 
was it wrong of me to wait so long to take the plunge into being free.


peas and happiness x

at a party i once thought...

they will you know.

peas and happiness x

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


New York
i miss you. and i love you.

a certain canadian. who became an instant friend.

italian gelato. you were so delicious.

having someone look at me in this way.
(but no with him. or with orange face paint either!)

and the feeling of freedom that traveling for months on end gives you!
i think i miss this the most.
(closely followed by the gelato. it was just really really delicious. really!)

peas and happiness x